How to Cop Yeezy Like a PRO (Yeezy Drops Guide)
Interested on buying that newly release Yeezy on drop day? If you're not aware, it can be rather difficult "copping" Yeezy on the day of the release. This guide will help you increase your chance of grabbing that elusive Yeezy on drop day. I will tell you different methods to buy them and other useful buying tips and advice. Let's get started shall we?
4 Things You Need to Know First
1. What Exactly is Yeezy Drop Day?
Yeezy "drop day" or "release day" is the day when a new model of Yeezy is launched. Buying Yeezy on drop day is pretty much mandatory as most stock are sold out rather quickly and once they are gone your only option are Yeezy legit resellers or wait for a restock (IF they do restock).
2. When is Yeezy Drop Day and Actual Time?
Yeezy drop day and time vary all the time. Though many of the sneakers drop on the weekend, some drop on weekdays as well. Sign up with relevant sites like Adidas or check their social media posts (especially Twitter) to know when the next drop is coming. Another trick is to set up a Google Alert on words like Yeezy, Yeezy drop day, etc. to keep up with what's happening in the world of Yeezys.
3. Where Can I Buy on Drop Day?
There are two methods of buying on drop day, online and offline (ie. your local stores). I described both methods below in great detail so just keep reading...
4. No Guarantee You Can Cop One!
Just so you don't have a high expectation. There's really NO guarantee you can cop one even if you follow all these advice to the tee. The reason is - supply and demand. There are ONLY limited supplies so it really involve luck sometimes especially for really HYPE item.
Useful Yeezy Program/Tools to Use and General Buying Tips
Here are some useful programs/tools and tips to increase your chance of grabbing Yeezy on drop day.
Google Chrome: In my opinion, Google Chrome is the best browser to use when trying to buy Yeezy online - it's faster and with many useful extensions you can download. If you don't want to rely on Google Chrome alone, you can keep Firefox as backup. Ultimately, the choice is up to you. You can try any browser you like and see which one you have better luck with.
Fillr: This extension allows you to checkout with every single website with just a few clicks. To make the most of this extension, enter information like your name, address, etc. so that when you have a few seconds to grab the deal, the extension automatically fills the entries on a form and saves your time. When you are using this extension, just remember to create a separate profile for each website. Also, remember to check the confirmation boxes before clicking submit button because autofill doesn't always do it for you. If you don't want to use this tool, you can also just save your info in a text file and copy paste it quickly when checking out.
Visualping or Distill (Page Monitor): Another useful tool is a page monitor extension. This extension monitor a website for changes and and then sends you an alert. This is a great tool as you don't have to keep visiting the same websites just waiting for that Yeezy update. or App: Solelinks is a great website to keep up with all new sneakers release not just Yeezy. Restocks is an app that can alert you if there's any new or restock Yeezy available. It has other useful features as well.
Follow Social Media Accounts: Basically, just follow about every Yeezy related social media accounts you know. This includes retail stores (online and locally), sneaker news websites or FB groups etc. Why? so you can be on up to date with all Yeezy news like new model, release date, raffles (more info on raffles below) etc.
Yeezy Bot: When trying to cop online, you're competing with other people and BOTS. Bots has the biggest advantage as they automate the process for buyers. In my opinion, if you have some money to spare and serious about your Yeezy then I think they are worth the investment. AIOBot is the most recommended bot and the one I use as well. The choice is up to you.
Fast Internet Connection: Finally, a lot depends on your internet connection if you're trying your luck online. If you have a slow and unreliable internet then it can affect your chance of copping a Yeezy. It's a game of seconds sometimes. So the obvious advice is have a fast internet and good router if you can.
Where to buy/cop on release day?
Copping Yeezy Online
If you don't have a trustworthy store in your vicinity or you don't have the time to visit one, you can try copping Yeezy online. This method is definitely more convenient and you also have a few options. Read on below...
1. Online Retailers
Online retailers, as the name suggests are retailers who sell Yeezys online as soon as they are released. Most of them are on a first come, first serve basis (FCFS), so you need to be quick and have luck on your side as you are competing with tons of other buyers and bots. The main online retailers are Foot Locker, Champs and Eastbay so be ready and open this websites once you know the day and time of the release. Just follow my online tips/advice I mentioned above and throughout this guide.
I'll be honest with you, bots will be your biggest competitor so if you have some money to burn then I suggest investing one yourself. Your chance of copping one will increase significantly. The most popular one and the one I personally use is AIOBot so this is the one I recommend. See how the bot works below:
2. Online Raffles / Giveaways
Online Raffles or giveaways take place every once in a while, and participating in them is almost free all the time. The trick is to know when an online raffle is going to take place. You can visit websites like or as usual follow as many Yeezy related social media accounts you know online and locally.
The way online raffle works depends entirely. If it's via Instagram or Facebook, they will usually ask you to repost, tag a few friends or like something etc. If it's via website it's a matter of filling up a form with your info and email address. If you win, you will either need to pick it up in person or they will ship it to you.
3. Adidas Online
Buying Yeezys from Adidas online is not as simple as clicking on a product, adding it to cart and paying the money. There are a lot of steps involved that might astonish you. Adidas has launched a waiting room approach to ensure that sneakerbots don't get the entire stock. Here's the process that you need to follow if you are a real person and not a bot :)
NOTE: The information below are at the time of this writing. I can't guarantee its accuracy as Adidas can change this anytime.
- Figure out the time when online sales would be available on launch day. This time might be between 9am to noon EST. Follow Adidas Twitter account and use any of the online tools/apps I mentioned above to get an idea of the exact time.
- Before that time begins, you need to open Keep refreshing the page until you enter a "waiting room" page (but not too often as Adidas kicks out suspicious people online).
- Stop refreshing the page once you are in the waiting room. Now you just have to wait for who knows how long and hope that you will be taken to the "product" page.
- If you get passed the waiting room and to the product page, you can then select the size and add it to your shopping cart.
- After adding the Yeezy to the cart, you need to make the transaction in just 10 minutes. You will also get a confirmation email. If you don't, call Adidas customer service and they will resolve the issue by sending a confirmation manually.
- NOTE: During this whole process you may encouter issues like error messages, slow loading times, glitches etc. You just have to be patient and keep trying.
Copping Yeezy In-Stores
If you live near any shoe retail stores such as Foot Locker, Champs or Adidas then buying from the actual store is another option for you. Most of them are now moving to raffle based sales or app reservation system so you don't have to wait in line for many hours. See below for your options and more details.
1. Adidas In-Store (Adidas Confirmed App)
Buying Adidas in-store is not a first come first serve basis. Instead, you need to use the Adidas Confirmed to make a reservation and show the proof of confirmation to the salespeople before you are handed your Yeezy. This policy was made by Adidas to ensure that only one or a couple of people don't take the entire stock while most people return empty-handed.
Instead of writing the instructions on my own on how to use the app, I just took a screenshot of instructions provided by Adidas from their app page. See below (click on the image to enlarge it):

Download Adidas Confirmed app: iOS | Android
2. Shoe Retailers In-Store

If there's any shoe retail stores near you (Foot Locker, Champs etc.), give them a call and ask if they will have any Yeezy in stock and the method they are going to use during the launch. It will be either be raffle based, app reservation or the old fashioned first come, first served basis (ie. waiting long hours in line). Follow their social media accounts as they usually provide all the info there as well. Basically, try to know all the details before the release day so you're one step ahead.
3. Raffle-Based Sales
As mentioned above, raffle based sales are often organized by local stores. As this process is based on luck, you can't do much but hope for the best. To participate in raffle sales, you should keep checking the website and social media accounts of the stores near you as they usually provide the detail there or you can also give them a call when you know there's a new Yeezy release and ask for the details. Once you've entered, keep your phone with you because if the store tries to reach you and is unable to then they will most likely just move on to the next person.
Yeezy Drop and Copping FAQs
Is a Yeezy Bot Useful or Not?
It can technically increase your chance of copping one IF the bot you're using actually works. It's up to you if you think they are worth the money or not. Personally, I have used them in the past with successed. AIOBot is one of the most used and popular one and it's the one I use myself. You can use it to cop other hyped items too not just Yeezy.
Can I Buy Multiple Items?
Adidas has a policy of one Yeezy per customer. Same with almost any retail/online stores. One of the way to bypass this is to have a friend or relative help you out. You basically need ALL different information: name, shipping/billing address, phone number and credit card.
Is It a Good Idea to Have More Than One Tab/Browser Open on
Some people seems to have no problem with multiple browsers/tabs in one device. My personal recommendation though is that rather than opening multiple tabs or browsers on one device, you open it on multiple devices like your laptop, tablet, and smartphone to increase your chances.
Will They Restock if I Missed Out?
No one knows. Don't get your hopes up though because re-stocking is not common. Your other option of course are Yeezy legit resellers.
How Much Should I Resell an Item I just Copped?
Again, it depends largely on how popular the release is. If it is really hyped and has only a limited number of pairs, you might get a high resale value. But if it's a release that didn't reach the high levels of popularity as some other release, you might just get the original amount. Always remember that you are not the only one reselling as most people buy them to resell these days. Read my How to sell Yeezy article for more info.
I Took the L, but I REALLY Want This X item. Where Can I buy it?
So, you missed the chance to get your favorite Yeezy despite your best effort? Don't worry it's not over yet. If you don't mind spending a bit more money (usually the case) from the original price then you can buy from resellers. I have a list of legit Yeezy sellers where you can buy them online. The best place and most affordable to buy them is eBay BUT the problem is you have to sort through the garbage sellers. Don't worry though, below I listed ALL trustworthy and legit Yeezy sellers from eBay:
Legit Yeezy eBay sellers: vipexclusives, croatianstyle, stripecenter, thecoolshoeshine, 9am6pm, sneakerchamps, pondon, solesupremacysales
That's it, folks! I know copping a Yeezy is not really that easy and it involves some work, patience and luck but that's just really how it goes... If you have any questions or even tips to improve this guide let me know.